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Integrated AWS Cloud and Mobile App with Air Purifier for a US-Based Company

Mobile app based smart air purifier

Client Overview

Ideal Living, a US-based technology company, develops innovative solutions for health, wellness, and the home environment.

Business Need

  • The client wanted to upgrade their legacy air purifier into a smart and connected one that allows the user to manage and control the air purifier remotely
  • They were also looking for support in the development of cloud and mobile apps for the solution

VOLANSYS Contribution

  • Designed and developed serverless and cost-effective cloud architecture
  • Designed communication protocol over host MCU (firmware of ESP32 chip) integrated with the cloud via Wi-Fi
  • Support functionalities such as remote on/off control, particle count, wind speed adjustment, temperature control, dim light mode, and more
  • Developed responsive Admin Portal using Node, Angular and DynamoDb for a database to list all users and their device’s detail
  • Implemented a similar portal for commercial users to manage multiple devices
  • Developed iOS and Android-based mobile applications based on Flutter
  • Provided end-to-end support in quality analysis and recommendations
  • Deployed the solutions on the AWS cloud

Solution Diagram

Smart Air Purifier

Benefits Delivered

  • VOLANSYS prior experience in the IoT space has helped to transform legacy solutions into smart ones in 6 months time period
  • Delivered a cost-effective serverless cloud architecture which enabled the client to save up to 70% of the overall cost 

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